Hello, I'm Victor Freitas.

Your next Junior Developer!


I’m a Front-End Developer located in Brazil. I have a serious passion for coding challenges, learning and understanding javascript and python enviroment.


I'm an well-organised person, problem solver, independent employee with high attention to detail. Fan of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Chess and outdoor activities.


My passion lies in the full-stack spectrum, and I thrive when collaborating with like-minded individuals on ambitious projects. With a naturally affable and upbeat demeanor, I bring positivity to every team I join, making me an easy and enjoyable colleague to work with.

Life Experience!

I've worked for the UAE (United Arab Emirates) army as a BJJ (Brazilian jiu jitsu) instructor for 5 years. During that time I taught myself arabic and a little bit of russian language.

I figured that our brain is designed to forget what do not move us and also designed to rember what moves us. So I took advantage of this and studied trying to combine all my 5 senses to arouse strong emotions with the new words I wanna memorize.

Keep going!
Problem Solving

My story in Dubai

Solving problems or challenges require a lot of energy and hard work. That's why it feels amazing at the end.

Soft Skills

Growth mindset

My expirience living abroad for almost 10 years of my life, gave me the ability of working in group as a team towards a common goal. During my experience abroad I've lived and worked with people from all around the world.

  • Adaptability

  • Teamwork skills

  • Time management

Here are some of my projects

Quote Generator Project
Brazilian Client Website

Client website built with Javascript, Html and Css.

Infinite Scroller

Scroll like instagram

Sexy Canvas Project
Sexy Canvas

Send The Analisys to an email

Animated Navigation

Navigation with CSS and Javascript

My Values

I can't talk about values without mentioning Jiu Jitsu. I've been practicing, fighting and teaching bjj for a long time. This sport made me learn how to be calm under pressure. It made me humble and taught me to respect my masters and partners. It gave me that strengh to keep pushing when it's hard and no one else believes in you. So, basically it made me understand that consistency and discipline beats talent. Oss!

Be flexible

With an employee who's international, easy to make friends with and wth a super positive mindset.

Grow your company

With an employee who's willing to be an asset to your company. Someone who responsible who will return your investment.


Get your company an employee who's creative and always ready to learn and takle new challenges.

Want to work with me?

Complete this form and I will get back to you in 24 hours.